7 tips to *stop* over-giving in your business

I could have created a much bigger business more quickly, had I not had so many people-pleasing and over-giving tendencies early on.

It took me 4 years in business (3 years of those with a full-time client load) to pass that preverbal 6 figure mark. And even then I struggled to feel like what I was offering was "enough" to justify all I was receiving from my business. Clearly, I had work to do around my relationship with money and over-giving.

I don’t regret taking the long road, because there were lessons I needed to learn. Now that I know them, I’m going to pass them along, just in case, they might offer you a shortcut on your journey.

Here are my 7 tips to *stop* over-giving in your business and finally create reciprocity:

1- Clarity on what you offer, how you deliver it, and how exactly you help people.

When you don’t have clarity on how your work impacts people, it creates a lack of trust and safety when you’re selling.   Clarity on what you offer, how you deliver it, and how exactly you can help establishes value simply, consensually, and easily. Getting this clear takes work, but even for those who do the "inner work," it is possible. Trust me. ;)

2- Remove the idea that your pricing is based on "your worth."

YOUR worth is invaluable... the work you do for others, however, can be priced and exchanged for money! Knowing the difference is key. 

3- Know what your actual capacity is.

Often, service-based entrepreneurs base their capacity on what they see from others on social media. This is not based on their reality, or their values. A fast track to burnout.  

4- Know what brings you resentment, and set boundaries around your own behavior.

Talk about burnout! Start paying attention to the areas you feel angry, frustrated, resentful, overwhelmed, and tired.  Make a note of what behaviors need to change, where in your offerings you need to cut back or shift your packages, and how you might improve the foundations of your business communication to mitigate boundary violations.

5- Get curious as to why you cross your own boundaries.

Why is it you’re over-giving? What beliefs do you have around your clients, their financial position, their opinion of you, their capacity? Who are you modeling your business after? What are their boundaries like? Where did you see this behavior modeled?

6- Know your personal and business values.

When you’re clear on your personal and business values, and I mean crystal clear, you can set up a clear business ecosystem that supports your boundaries, generosity, and integrity. 

7- Trust what you know. Period.

Even as your creative business consultant I will mirror you back to yourself. You are your own best leader! Yes, I will offer strategies, systems, and options to you and support you to build your business, but I will only ever do it while pointing you back to your Sovereign Power. 

So please learn from my mistakes so you can have an abundant, profitable and life-giving business!!

And yes, love, these are just a few of the ways Serve It Up will support you to Serve Up Your Magic with more clarity, power, integrity, and boss energy. ;)

Join the waitlist for Serve It Up right here. 

Goodness is coming for you,

xo, Madison

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