Healing cannot be consumed - Journal Prompts for Integration

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Thinking a lot about consumption vs nutrition lately. Followings vs friends. Information vs wisdom. Sound bites vs soul medicine. Smoothies on the go vs handmade meals with my love.

Consumption alone is a one way ticket to feeling stuck, stuffed, cloudy and unclear. It’s a sure way to forget your truth, hook into urgency culture and forget your wisdom.

I am learning that just like when I eat food on the go, when I consume half heartedly (be it relationships, memes or even books) I experience less integration and satisfaction. I feel less whole, connected and free.

As usual, I have more questions than answers. Here are the questions I am asking myself:


What do I need?

Am I hungry?

Do I desire this?

Am I in gratitude?

Am I actively participating in receiving this?


Am I present to what I’m consuming?

Can I feel the textures, sensations, and see the vibrancy?

Does this resonate with me?

Can I sense when I’m full? Is this nutritious for me? Is this tasty?


Am I rushing my process for others?

What am I pretending not to know?

What is for me here, what’s not mine?

What do I need to let go?

What have I been told is nutritious but is actually making me sick, stuck or stagnant?


What do I have to give from this vitality I now feel?

Can this person receive my medicine?

Am I clear on how much I have to give?

Is it safe to express here?

Is this reciprocal? (HOW TASTY AM I!?)

Then we receive again.

As a person who adores learning and consuming, asking these questions has been really helpful in the integration of what I take in and in getting back to my clear and sovereign knowing.

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What stage of this are you craving right now?

xo, Madison

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