My experience: A Full Review of Beautiful You Coaching Academy

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A full Review: My experience with Beautiful You Coaching Academy.

One year ago this week I enrolled in Beautiful You Coaching Academy.  In honor of my BYCA family anniversary, I want to share with you a 2-part post about my experience with Beautiful You and my journey through the program.

**View part 2: an exclusive interview with CEO and founder Julie Parker! 

How I found Beautiful You:

After graduating college, I went on a long personal journey of healing and truly understanding myself. It was September 2014 when I discovered the course, but they were not offering international students and I was in the midst of really healing from the past.  I decided to do a couple months of serious counseling and then check back. By December, BYCA had announced that they were enrolling for online courses worldwide. At that point, I knew it was for me. I had done all the research, talked to numerous schools, read blogs from people who had gone through the training, and even spoke on the phone with people choosing the best fit for me.  After the holidays were over, my husband and I had finally  saved enough money for the payment. January 29, 2015 I said YES to the life of my dreams.  In fact, the week I made the payment, my counselor asked me to stop coming regularly. To me, it was a confirmation that the time was NOW. 

It was official. I was going to be a life coach. I started imagining my life as a coach and how I would launch by first site, etc.  What I didn't realize is how going though the course would not only make me a life coach, it would make me a better human.  It's just one year later, and I live my dream life more and more every day. I have learned to be my own #girlboss, have developed skills I didn't even know were skills, and made new relationships that have truly changed my life. 


Relationships made through Beautiful You

The six month long course began in May. By June I was in New York City meeting my trainers face to face, as well as my coaching buddy, Christine, who I had begun chatting with and practicing with on a regular basis. I will never forget the energy of that day, women from Australia, Haiti, Belgium, Canada, the USA (and more) all in one room together hearing from the top leaders in our field, embracing them, asking them face to face questions on how they built their business and about their personal life. 

The most beautiful part is that the relationships haven't ended there. 

Sunday I chatted with a fellow coach from Italy, and this morning I did an interview with a coach in Canada. Not a day goes by that I don't hear from or connect with one of my training buddies. The community of support and love is beyond anything I dreamed of. 

Studying Online with Beautiful You

I'll be honest, taking an online course scared me a lot. I had been through traditional college, and liked the face to face style of learning.  But the system set up by Julie (CEO) and the team made for an extremely connected experience. Textbooks, lectures, podcasts by top coaches, live training calls numerous times a month, workbooks, worksheets, a private facebook group, and a complete online membership site made this course a part of my daily life. 

I felt 100% connected to the women in the group as well as the trainers. It was easy to approach them about fears, limiting beliefs, and they provided amazing feedback regarding my progress. I hold these women so dear to my heart and consider them some of my closest friends and mentors. 

Why I Chose Beautiful You Coaching Academy:

Apart from being extremely esteemed by coaches in the industry, Beautiful You is an International Coaching Federation certified course. (The ICF is highly regarded as the industry standard for training). Seeing that Beautiful You was not only the go-to for the coaches I was following, but it also had the credentials to back it up and help me further my career, well, it just made sense.

The heart-centered approach taken by BYCA also appealed to me. Many coaching organizations I had found were very business and corporate focused. I had no interest in that realm of work and was looking for more than just setting and achieving goals. I wanted to get to the heart, I wanted to help people live the life they desired deep down, not just help them achieve, but truly become. That was the heart of Beautiful You the entire way through. 

Launching a Business as a BYCA coach

It is no lie that my journey as a coach is still fresh, but boy, has it been exciting. Because of the tools, education and contacts given to me by Beautiful You, I have been able to coach upwards of 14 women in my first 4 months as a coach. I had PAID wait-list clients before my graduation date. I have been nominated for 3 awards, won the "CEO Shine Award," and have worked with fellow coaches on their programs. I am launching a local project in the next month as well! Without Beautiful You and the education I have gained, the confidence in my coaching skills, the knowledge and resource base I have to continue growing, and the connections with wholehearted women, I would not be where I am today. 

UPDATE: Within 9 months of launching my business, I replaced my full time income and quit my job. I started a podcast, lead monthly local workshops, have worked with clients internationally, and work with 20-25 women a month. I even won the BYCA International Coach of The Year— Read about that journey HERE.



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