How i got here
(And the magic we might make together)
(And the magic we might make together)
I’m Madison Morrigan.
Somatic and spiritual teacher, facilitator of transformation, writer and host of the Everything Belongs podcast. I use self-inquiry, emotional alchemy & embodiment to guide folks back to self-belonging, full expression and living your liberation.
The juicy conversations I facilitate cut through the BS and go straight to the heart, where possibility lives.
Let yourself sink into the possibility that you are worthy of all of this…
I want to know the texture of belonging as you wear it with courage.
Who would you be if you realized you didn’t have to be afraid of your truth, power or desires?
I want to know what it would look like if you peeled back the societal programming, masks and the stories that keep you small and all that was left was you remembering who you were here to be.
How much joy, goodness and buoyancy would you have access to if you allowed the false self to fall away?
I want to see you lead from your depths while trusting your worth.
What if you didn’t have to “hustle” for wholeness or prove your place? Could you start moving from want to instead of have to?
I want to know what would happen if you owned your magic and were brave with how you’re here to serve the world.
Would you take more risks and trust yourself with the goodness?
I want to know what would happen if you had a space big enough for all of you to be expressed.
What kind of art would be made of your life, work and relationships? Would you stretch out, dance a bit more, let your true self be seen?
I want to know what would happen if you decided you were whole, and lived from that place from here forward.
Are you willing to take responsibility?
Your portal to seeing yourself clearly, belonging to yourself, validating yourself and the possibility of a life on your terms. This is the groundwork of stripping back the programming and beginning to self-attach; attuning to your needs, desires and feelings. You can begin to go after the life, relationships and career you are made for all because you know you’re worthy of it.
Your portal to embodying congruence in your mind, body and spirit where a levity, resilience and deep joy for life begin to emerge. You decide to be honest with yourself and let every part of you be welcome to the table (light and shadow alike). You decide to honor what’s real for you with curiosity, acceptance and grace. This is what I call true salvation.
Your portal to being in your creative flow, leading with integrity and allowing yourself to show up and be seen. Boundaries, self-trust and discernment allow you to make the changes you need to make with love without waiting for outside permission or approval. You’re living the life you’re worthy of because you have agency, from the inside out.
I found a part of myself in Rising Sovereign that I didn’t know I was searching for — a part of me that had been deeply hidden away for too long. I feel more connected to who I am, what I need and what I want. I feel more in my body and more connected to source than I ever have in my life. I came into working with Madison full of blocks and dead ends; now all I see is expanse, openness and choice. I can breathe deeply. The amount of gratitude I feel for this experience and for Madison is endless. My life is forever changed.
I've lived many lives.
One as a child in an enmeshed environment. One as a competitive martial artist. One as a hip hop dancer. One as an evangelical radical speaking in tongues. One as a baptist scholar. One as a heretic. One as a seeker of healing. One as a married woman "doing it all right." One as an ambitious entrepreneur. One as a divorcee. One as a woman coming into her own fluid sexuality. Always asking questions. Always shedding. Alchemizing. Taking notes and sharing them with fellow travelers seeking home.
It’s easy for me to let healing feel both deep and buoyant at the same time— we came here to be fully human. I'm so down to enjoy my time here with less dogma and more grace.
I’m a lover of all things creative, expansive, spiritual, strategic, imaginative, and forward moving.
Although I’m a naturally upbeat and energetic person, I spent 17+ years looking for answers; taking time to dive deep into my own healing and education. I spent years in therapy, in church pews, with podcasts in my ears, investing in coaching, getting a degree in interpersonal communication and psychology, taking in and sifting through many healing paths learning to thrive and understand my own traumatic and dysfunctional history.
Though my insatiable curiosity, what some might call a radical hunger for life, I learned to sit with the depths of life without getting jaded and believe that no-matter the programming of the past, there is always hope to rewrite the script, embody your fullness and create a life on your own terms.
— Ariana Grande was my most listened to artist of the last decade.
— I am proudly queer and came out at 27.
— I started life-coaching at 23.
—I’m synesthetic and neurodivergent. What once was described as being “an intense, bright and difficult child” has evolved into an intuitive ability with pattern recognition and creative thinking. After much grief in a late in life diagnosis, Autism has become one of my greatest strengths as a depth coach.
— I’m a Virgo sun, Pisces moon and Libra rising and am a 4/1 generator in human design.
— I’m an avid moon-circler and have taken to aligning my life and work with natural cycles.
— I’m on an active journey to dismantle how I’ve internalized systems of oppression and although it informs the work I do, I’m most definitely still learning.
— I was the recipient of BYCA’s International Coach Of The Year in 2017, a real dream come true.
— I believe comedy and pop music are more spiritual than church, and on any given day you’ll find me practicing my prayer language of both laughter and dance (see my movement playlist below… thank me later).
Which is why the work I do is not about fixing you: it’s about getting out of autopilot, shedding the persona and old stories, and beginning to live from your True Essence (your most authentic self).
You hold the power to create a life with healthy habits, thriving & reciprocal relationships, and go after your dreams, your way, when you reconnect to your true self, beyond the programming and conditioning.
somatic alchemy coaching
In coaching you, we will collapse years of searching for answers and spinning your wheels down into teensy bits so you can see yourself clearly, express yourself fully and make the moves in your life you’ve been wanting to.
This is post-traumatic growth.
These sessions are body based, and work on an energetic and physical level– where the root of our protective patterns & threat responses actually live. In sessions I will use the tools of of traditional coaching, NLP, hypnosis, Enneagram, self-inquiry & somatic trauma resolution practices.
The Fortress
I always recommend starting with The Fortress.
Inside this 12-month program, you’ll become part of a community of courage, contemplation and coaching where you will learn to alchemize shame by making art of life.
You might find inside The Fortress that your adaptive strategies, such as your need to earn goodness through being good, masking, & hustling for wholeness resolve as you learn to orient to and become the guardian of all things good… starting with your own sacred heart.
Enter The Fortress & learn to live your liberation.
Serve It Up is where I coach, consult and amplify ambitious leaders, healers and service-based entrepreneurs.
Through live teaching and coaching inside a group immersive you will design a soul-filled, integral and abundant business from the inside-out.
Over 90 days in Serve It Up you will distill, streamline, clarify and implement your bespoke business strategy in real time— you’ll serve up your magic with more ease than ever.
Speaking and Events
Through expert facilitation — both online and in person, I offer retreat experiences, hot seat coaching, workshops and keynote speaking.
I offer groups of leaders, creatives and visionaries a brave space to not only gently question their programming and stories running the show of their lives, but to get in touch with their magic, essence and finally live creatively, wholly and fully expressed.
Watching Madison soar has been breathtaking to witness. Not because she makes it look easy. No. Not that. But because she is so conscious. Her integrity requires perpetual realignment. PERPETUAL. REALIGNMENT. With every word, gesture, moment, she gets truer and deeper and wiser and it shows in her work. The unfaltering way she holds her clients to their highest. Because she has been doing the work to hold herself in the highest. It's not been easy. No. Not that. But it has been breathtaking.”
— Tanya Geisler, Leadership Coach
My professional bio —
Madison Morrigan is somatic and spiritual teacher, facilitator of transformation, writer and host of the Everything Belongs podcast. Centered on sovereignty, sacred self-responsibility, spiritual freedom and full expression, Madison coaches humans as they shed layers of old programming keeping them small and finally come home to their true nature.
She has her degree in interpersonal communication & psych, and has a certificate in conflict resolution & mediation from MSU. She is a graduate of Alchemical Alignment: Somatic Tools for Trauma Resolution & Embodiment of Spirit as well as BYCA, where she has won 5 International awards. Her work also draws upon her training in shamanism, NLP & hypnosis.
Madison is currently continuing her education at the Circle Yoga Shala with ongoing mentorship and a 200 hour YTT.
To view Madison's media appearances and approved images, click here.
My way is contemplative and non-dual. I use the skills learned in the below trainings and the influence of the teachings from my mentors in my work, which include:
Undergraduate degree in Interpersonal Communication and Psychology from Missouri State University (2009-2013)
Conflict, Mediation and Dispute Resolution Certification from Missouri State University (2013)
BYCA Life Coach Certified (2015-2016)
BYOC NLP and hypnosis certification (2021)
Vedic Meditation certification (2020)
Shamanic training (Mesa 1) with mentor Karen Duncan, M.S. LPC, Hampe Kamayok, Medicine Woman in the Inca tradition of healers (2022-2024)
Ongoing and depth mentorship with Holly Krepps, teacher of presence, Wisdom Mentor, Yoga therapist, Enneagram teacher & founder of Circle Yoga Shala (2021-present)
Alchemical Alignment— Somatic Tools for Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit (2023-2024)
Monthly supervision with Tele Darden - 2024
Circle Yoga Shala YTT - 2024
Treating the Dissociative Spectrum Training - 2024
“Madison is a seer of truths. I can always depend on Madison’s keen sense of perception and her ability to speak powerfully to what’s really going on. She is a skilled coach with a generous spirit, a brilliant mind and a fierce willingness to walk her talk. I would follow Madison into a fire. I feel privileged to call her a colleague and trust her deeply both as both a collaborator and as a friend.”
— Varia Erochina
Download my Call Your Energy Back meditation and 3-step journal practice for FREE to get started.
“There is no place so awake and alive as the edge of becoming. But more than that, birthing the kind of woman who can authentically say, 'My soul is my own,' and then embody it in her life, her spirituality, and her community is worth the risk and hardship.”
— Sue Monk Kidd