the curriculum
🌈Month 1: Creating Conditions
What’s going right? By laying a solid foundation of stability, wellbeing and resource, we will begin showing your nervous system that it is safe to be here. You will be guided to anchor into inner stability and safety, create an altar space, and gently map a way forward that feels spacious, easy and light.
🍯Month 2: Inner Safety & Integrity
Inner safety & soul-aligned living - Diving into the foundational elements of a life well lived: what matters to you. We will get back to basics and look at what’s working, what’s not working, drop into your values and your desires… and how “doable” those feel right now. Bolster your life with sweetness, beauty, and ease - because healing doesn’t have to be treacherous or hard. You get to dance with life around here. ;)
💕 Month 3: Choice
You belong to you - You’ll discover how to hear your needs, preferences and desires where they have once been frozen, enmeshed or diminished. In accessing your true feelings, you’ll begin to feel your sovereignty, from the inside-out, and engage the world with more power, clarity and Truth. You choose. Every step of the way.
🫂Month 4: Orienting Towards the Good
Living liberation is an orientation, not a destination - Rather than waiting for something (or someone) outside us to change, we build upon our inner safety and orient your attention on the things that add goodness here and now– both without bypassing and without the outside world changing. Through paying loving, non-judgmental attention, you’ll begin to notice how it feels in your body to access goodness and Source from Source.
⚔️ Month 5: Boundaries
Becoming the Guardian of the Goodness - This is a must for all highly-sensitives, codependents in recovery & empaths! Grow your ability to repair leaky boundaries & protect what’s good in your life with ritual, visualization and practical action so that your younger parts see that it’s finally safe to be you. This is where you start filling your life up with what gives you life, not just protecting or guarding against what depletes it.
❤️🔥Month 6: Shame Alchemy
Your True Essence is Good - Learn how to de-shame shame itself. Move stuck emotion with Shame Alchemy - micro-practices that melt shame in ways that feel nourishing & follow your body’s natural, cyclical rhythms. (No need for screaming catharsis, shaking or weeks of dysregulation to release. This is gentle).
You’ll experience the goodness of your own heart underneath old protective strategies. You will restore your inherent belonging, goodness and discover just how good it is to be you.
🫀Month 7: Sacred Heart Sanctuary
Heart medicine & authentic self-expression - This lesson puts you back in contact with a way of expressing yourself in the world that would be most organic and natural for you. Through play and self-honoring you’ll find yourself connecting to the hidden parts of yourself that are ready to come forward and make themselves known in your life. Acknowledge the part of you that wants to SHINE. You’ll take a small, doable, 1% action towards bringing more YOU forward.
🫂Month 8: Safe for Celebration
Practice coming out in safe spaces - Here you’ll be mirrored in your Truth, received and regarded as Sacred. Plus, you’ll weed the garden - aka stop sharing your emerging Truth with people who reinforce hiding & shame! Instead, learn how to identify those with Capacity for Celebration: folks who would LOVE to clap, hoot & holler for you!
(While no one can guarantee safety, my clients report feeling incredibly safe and seen in my spaces; able to be who they really are, just by being in the energy of the groups I cultivate).
🍄Month 9: Becoming a Truth Devotee
Shameless Self-Expression! Discover the truth about what you really want, & learn how to ride any corresponding wave of fear like a pro. You’ll identify whose gaze you’ve been living for & cut those damn cords with love, creating new ways of relating where you bring more of you.
🌞Month 10: Right Vision
Rituals for embodying beauty, awe, and wonder - Through connecting to nature’s stability and seasons, along with using micro-rituals for presence and prayer (no religious or spiritual affiliation needed here) you’ll comb through the mind’s endless to-do’s, judgments, and fears and let yourself drop into beauty, awe, and wonder. With a brief lesson on the power of projection, you’ll be reminded how the mind can either keep us from being right here, in connection with ourselves and one another or how the mind can become a powerful tool to awaken us to the present moment.
🦋Month 11: Life as Worship
Create rituals, do practical magic & use the body to heal through play! It’s through ritual we don’t have to incessantly analyze or fix ourselves. It’s in ritual we restore what was wounded by giving ourselves what we actually needed– safety to unfurl & to BE our True Selves. Through doing it together we learn in real time that we aren’t alone, and give ourselves embodied proof that who we are is enough.
🏹Month 12: Living Libreration
Life as art, Living your Liberation - We will end our 12-months with celebration and simple ways to continue living into your liberation. You’ll now have foundational tools, embodied experience and soul-community that will support you with a solid base of support to go out into your life, FULLY as YOU so you can continue the practices that add joy, goodness, and beauty to your life.