So sure, the dream is to…

Let yourself ✨SPARKLE✨

Let yourself ✨SHINE✨

Live in goodness saying, “✨I AM MINE!✨”


But people will doubt, criticize and shame you. They project, side eye & talk shit.  For as long as you can remember, your authenticity has been a problem. And while you can go it alone and have, it’s lonely… and all that projection fucking hurts.

The FORTRESS is the sacred place where we get to practice shame alchemy as we play, hoot, holler, celebrate & support one another to let life be good inside the walls of a protective sanctuary. 

If you need a place to be fully you without the risk of being shamed, you’re invited.

In The FORTRESS, we embody unconditional positive regard, celebration, & shamelessness as our group energy; meaning you don’t have to diminish, mask, hide or pretend to be “less.” You don’t have to care-take, tip-toe or be tamed.

Your biggest expression is not too much for me. In fact, I delight in it. 

In The FORTRESS your radiance will be regarded.

Your intelligence, celebrated.

Your muchness, wanted.

Your tender heart, protected.

Your sparkly self, reflected back.  

Your ambition, amplified. 

Relate? You’re in great company.

People come to this work looking for permission to SHINE (and shake their ass)… and through our work together, we discover:

  • A lifetime of pretending, fixing and trying to fit in was in fact, boring as hell

  • Their old threat responses had them masking & hiding, trying to protect them from rejection or being shamed - but they are ready to bloom!

  • Their past therapist or coach simply didn’t have the range to hold all their muchness

  • A highly-sensitive, intuitive & gifted young one, waiting for the inner adult to bring them back to life

  • A playful, sassy radiance that wants to be celebrated, mirrored in goodness & appreciated

  • Shame of their fullness, aliveness & power

  • A tender heart, not wanting to make anyone jealous, feel inferior or less than

  • Early messaging that their Truth, Essence and True Self was bad, sinful or wrong

  • They are SICK of hearing from “healers” that this work has to be sooooo hard and lonely (Healing can be FUN & you literally cannot do this shit alone).

  • They are healthier, more well, & further along than their shame wants them to believe

  • A history of bullying, lack of belonging & pain resulting in lack of boundaries, diminishment & people-pleasing 

  • Repressed anger that their FULL, AUTHENTIC SELF wasn’t welcomed or celebrated


Sound like you?