My training & depth study informs what we do in The Fortress–

My way is contemplative and non-dual. I use the skills learned in the below trainings and the influence of the teachings from my mentors in my work, which include:

  • Undergraduate degree in interpersonal communication and psychology (2012)

  • Conflict, mediation and dispute resolution certification (2013)

  • Self-Inquiry & coaching via BYCA Life Coach Certification (2015)

  • Neuro Linguistic Programing and hypnosis certification (2020)

  • Vedic Meditation trianing (2020)

  • Shamaic Medicine & Ritual - (Mesa 1) with mentor Karen Duncan, M.S. LPC, Hampe Kamayok, Medicine Woman in the Inca tradition of healers. (2022-2024)

  • Ongoing and depth mentorship with Holly & Matt Krepps, teachers of presence, Wisdom Mentor, Yoga therapist, Wisdom Enneagram teacher & founder of Circle Yoga Shala. (2019-present)

  • Circle Yoga Shala’s YTT 200 hour - June 2024-Oct 2024

  • Alchemical Alignment: a training for Somatic Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit. (2023-2024 with ongoing supervision)

  • Personal studies include:

    • Somatic movement: Dance & Hapkido

    • The power of sacred, celebratory circle and ritual

    • Non-dual contemplative spirituality & 4th Way Spiritual Practices