To my most sacred teachers and companions—

Thank you.

My teachers and mentors over the last decade whose teaching and guidance has most greatly influenced the way I coach:

My business and creative team - Jes Scott- Task Witch, Ross Payton - Podcast Editor.

Teachers from afar. Those whose written word has had the most profound impact on my work and life - Richard Rhor. Red Hawk. Sue Monk Kidd. Ken Wilber. Bell Hooks. Charles Eisenstein. Deb Dana. Toko-pa Turner. James Clear. Hiro Boga. Mike McHargue. Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Mary Oliver. Rob Bell. Audre Lorde.

The land that holds me, tea and God(dess).

I honor each of you deeply for contributing to my ability to serve and live in wholeness.

I acknowledge and am grateful to the land I live, commune and work on is Wazhazhe Maⁿzhaⁿ (Osage), Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, and Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo) indigenous lands now known under the United States as Springfield, MO.