Posts tagged Paula Crossfield
Episode 135: The Skills of Togetherness with Melissa Benintendi Part 4

Today on the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison is in conversation with Melissa Benintendi.

Melissa Benintendi is an owner and the Director of Clinical Embodiment at Beyond Healing Institute in Springfield, MO. Melissa began her career as a trauma therapist primarily practicing EMDR. She is now an international EMDR consultant and trainer and specifically focuses on practicing therapy with the body in mind. She is a coauthor and trainer of Somatic Integration and

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Episode 134: Your Desire is your North Star with Paula Crossfield

Paula Crossfield is Vedic astrologer and Business Strategist dedicated to helping a million spirit-led entrepreneurs make more money and impact so they can bankroll the change they want to see in the world (without burning out!)

She believes that when spiritually grounded business owners are aligned with their purpose and the planets, they can earn well and give back in profound ways to inspire a positive change in our culture – in fact she was able to give over $37,000 to indigenous, social justice and environmental causes every year from her overflow in 2023 alone.

Her insights on astrology and business strategy have helped hundreds of clients build successful businesses while still embodying their values. When she's not helping her clients

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