Living in full expression


Are you a Halloween person?

Growing up, my mom didn’t believe in buying fancy, packaged halloween costumes. Apart from that one time I begged to be an M+M, I had to make up my costumes from things we already had, which meant sourcing from my own inner creativity and bringing the unexpressed pieces of myself to life. 

I was a computer the year of Y2K, a go-go dancer the year after that, an old-man who sold whittled spoons another year. My favorite costume of all, though, was a mad scientist where I teased my hair, wore my mom’s white, shoulder padded blazer and carried a test-tube of brains. I felt so smart and no need to be pretty; I was mad after all. 

I didn’t like being “scary” but I LOVED being able to use what was in front of me to create a new identity for a day. 

I could be anything. I got to take up space, be loud, be weird AF, walk with my head held high from house to house, be sexy if I wanted to b, and express the parts of myself I normally wouldn’t bring to the table. 

Every other day of the year, I felt like I was stuck in a box of who “Madison” should be. What “Madison” should say. Who others wanted “Madison” to be. But on Halloween, I could be, do, and say anything I wanted to! 

I was outside the limits of whoever “Madison” was perceived as and was able to tap into my depths and embody the energy of it fully. All of me was welcome, without apology, without limits, without hiding. 

I still love Halloween for that reason (this year I was Ariana Grande, where I channeled the sexy, weird, diva vibes I love so much). But now I don’t limit myself to Halloween to express all of me. Now, I give myself space to be freely, fully expressed every single day of my life. 

Cuz it’s full expression that allows us to authentically manifest our dream careers, our dream partners, our dream lives…

…but most of all, allows us to become the woman of our dreams. 

>>>When we bite our tongues in our relationships and hold back our truth, we hinder ourselves from our most primal need: to be seen and known fully. 

>>>When we hold back tears, repress our anger and mask our fears with forced-strength, we actually operate from the very energy we are resisting. (You can’t fake-happy with gratitude. Nope. That shit’s got to be expressed).

>>>When we hold back from expressing love, gratitude and joy, we limit the goodness we are able to receive and close ourselves off from others.

>>>When we dull our shine and keep from owning our magic and strengths, or don’t own our expertise, and play small to make others feel comfortable, we hide our authentic magic from the world.   When we don’t own our magic, we keep ourselves trapped in a box never reaching our fullest potential.

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of waiting for permission to be fully expressed. 

I won’t wait till Halloween to be “weird” or sexy. I won’t wait till Christmas to give and receive gifts of love. I won’t wait till my birthday to celebrate my aliveness. I won’t wait till New Years to dream bigger. I won’t wait till I reach a breaking point before I ask for help. And I won’t wait till someone outside of me affirms my strengths before I show the fuck up and own them for myself

You can pretend to be anything… but the only thing that will feel good long-term and support you in manifesting the life of your dreams is being authentically you, fully expressed. 

Own your truth. Write it. Scream it. Dance it. Post it. Sing it. Make art of it. Whatever way you need to do, just express it.

Giving you a head nod and a smirk that says,you go girl,”  from where I sip my chai.

