Aligned and Alive Podcast: You Can Create a New Story

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I recently connected with Alli Owen on the Aligned and Alive Podcast. If you’re navigating the inner work of healing, this is for you.

Lean in & listen:

IN THIS EPISODE WE EXPLORE what it means to step into wholeness and come alive. We uncover what I recommend for women seeking out their purpose, and discuss how to have healthy boundaries. I also explore how to pull yourself out of shame spirals in a healthy and effective way.

Some other favorite topics from this episode include…

•    Why I do not view my career as my purpose (and the role I *do* assign to my career)

•    How my career path went from sex therapy, to healing while waitressing, to where I am today

•    Oversharing, and how to honor yourself instead

•    Healthy boundaries in everyday life

•    Shifting from emotional resistance to emotional freedom

The one thing I’ve learned through my journey is that you can change your mind.

What I do believe:

  • Our mind is so powerful, and the stories that we subscribe to shape the reality that we live in.

  • We are all born good, wanting to be love, give love, and receive love.

  • We are here to be human and that being human is enough. We don’t have to try to be anything different or more or transcend.

  • There is so much more mystery than we can know. The more we lean into that mystery and make peace with it, the more liberation we have.

  • You can only ever change yourself. Ever.

Whenever you shift from “my story is falling apart” to "what story do I want to create?”: that is when the new life begins.

