Learn to live your truth without fear


This post was originally send to the Muses as a letter in early 2017. If you want exclusive letters from me, join + get the best of the best every single week!

What would it feel like to speak your truth without fear?

I'm not talking about you sharing your religion, your politics, or even posting your favorite cause to Facebook. I'm talking about living out the truths deep inside you. I'm talking about the freedom to ask for what you really want; the freedom to express your feelings and your desires without fear of coming across as needy, bitchy, or fearing you'll be rejected. 

I held a Come Alive Gathering the other night with 7 beautiful souls. When I asked the women what "coming alive" meant to them, I got a lot of similar answers: living fully expressed, letting go of expectations and opinions, living less from the "shoulds" and more from truth, less people pleasing, and owning their stories. 

Why do we as women live for others first? 
We spend so much time worried how others perceive us, how we meet the needs of others, if others are angry or upset with us, how to please them, how to look good for them...

It's time to stop living for everyone else's approval and start living for your own.

First, you need to know what's stopping you.  

What if I step out and fail?
What if people think I'm crazy?
What if my partner leaves me? What if my friends leave me?
What if.. what if... what if...

You stay stuck people-pleasing and not expressing yourself because it's comfortable. This doesn't mean you like being where you are, but it's certainly better than the fear of the unknown.

Living from comfort is a sure way you'll never fully own your story and find your power.

Do something this weekend to get out of your comfort zone. Start small! Go to that yoga class alone, ask someone out for coffee, strike up a conversation with a stranger. Get out of your comfort zone and discover how capable and brave and fearless you really are. (Trust me, the fear is worse than just doing it!)


Simply noticing you're dissatisfied is not enough, you must act.

You must choose to walk the path that you've never walked. Get uncomfortable.

Put yourself out there, be open to being known, set boundaries, step out and do the thing.

You are so capable. Plus, you deserve it. 

