I Am My Own Responsibility



good news, a poem

Each time I honor my boundaries, I heal the inner child in me who had no choices and whose “no” wasn’t honored.

Each time I allow myself to feel and fully express my emotions, I validate the inner child in me who was not allowed to feel.

Each time I tend to my needs boldly, I heal the inner child in me who wasn’t allowed to be “needy.”

Each time I claim responsibility for my life and show up sovereign, take up space, heal my body, claim my fullness…

Each and every time I claim responsibility for my life I heal myself and every woman who was told to be “less” of herself, I validate every little girl watching and pass the permission slip to anyone ready to receive it that says:

You came here to be in your fullness.

In all this I’ve learned:

Your Boundaries are your responsibility.

Your Emotions are your responsibility.

Your Needs are your responsibility.

Your life is your responsibility.

But no matter how many people model it or talk about it, no one can choose it for you.

This is your agency

This is your emotional maturity

This is your radical responsibility

This is your sovereignty

You came here to be in your fullness.

And that’s yours to choose.

-good news.