Tanya Geisler : Navigating The Impostor Complex and Finding Your Brand of Joy

Tanya Geisler : Navigating The Impostor Complex and Finding Your Brand of Joy

Tanya Geisler is someone I met the day my coaching career began, and has served as a mentor and guiding light for me ever since. Her research and insight on the Impostor Complex (you know, those fraudy feelings) makes her a go-to woman in my life when feeling disconnected from my truth.

She will remind you of your integrity, call you into joy, and make you feel right at home. That’s why I asked Tanya to be a guest mentor in my signature program, Awaken Her Soul.

Speaking with her was as rich as home-made chocolate cake. Listen to our conversation below and get a preview of the deep mentorship waiting for you when you join us in Awaken Her Soul.

More from Tanya:

Tanya Geisler is a Leadership Coach (CPCC) with a penchant for clarity and an abhorrence of the Impostor Complex. She’s worked with thousands of high-performers combat the Impostor Complex so they can step into the starring roles of their lives and achieve their ultimate goals. She has written The 12 Lies of the Impostor Complex (and One Truth)The Joy Pages, created Board of Your Life and the transformational Step into Your Starring Role coaching program, is a writer, has served as contributor and was featured in Canadian Living, and is an in-demand TEDx speaker who talks with great passion about the Impostor Complex, Unshakeable Confidence, personal leadership, on all things joy, meaning and purpose. Her clients include best-selling authors, public speakers, and rockstar world-changers.

It is her indomitable belief that if everyone knew their own unique recipe for their personal brand of joy, they’d hold the key to shining in their life, in their work and in their life’s work. (It really does change everything.)

Listen to our conversation:



Ready to begin this journey

back to you?

I always recommend starting with my signature program, Awaken Her Soul.

It is designed to be the foundational tool in developing self-leadership and along your spiritual awakening journey. It supports you to reconnect to your inherent worth, purpose and potential.