Episode 37: Behind the Scenes in Awaken Her Soul with my Team Member and AHS Alum, Jenna Dayle

Jenna Dayle Everything Belongs Podcast

The course has really been able to evolve with the language that people are learning even though [Awaken Her Soul] hasn't changed at all.”

-Jenna Dayle, The Everything Belongs Podcast


Today on the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison is in conversation with her Awaken Her Soul team member and program alum, Jenna Dayle. Jenna is the MM Community Wellness Manager, as well as reads & teaches intuitive tarot outside of her work with Madison. The work she committed to within Awaken Her Soul has allowed her to now support powerful humans ready to stop hiding from their light to hear, honor and trust themselves deeply through daily intuitive practices. Within Awaken Her Soul, she is a space-holder, a cheer-leader and a warm presence. She facilitates the atmosphere and supports what happens within the program on a day to day basis. In this episode, Madison and Jenna share candidly about the behind the scenes of Awaken Her Soul and Jenna takes this opportunity to interview Madison with her own questions for some fun, personal insights. They discuss their processes of healing with the program, how language trends within the coaching and self healing communities don't impact the program (keeping it relevant long term) and their favorite things to witness in the alum behind the doors of the program.


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In this episode we have a conversation about:

  • Jenna turns the tables, interviewing Madison on why and how she created Awaken Her Soul. 

  • Madison reveals the personal 3 year “dark night” and rebirth process that ended up shaping the program.

  • Jenna shares her firsthand experience taking Awaken Her Soul (3x now!) and how it is still supporting her to listen to and understand herself more deeply 

  • Why we intentionally keep the language inside AHS approachable and simple, even (and especially) as access to online self-help and healing education continues to grow

  • The big "Oh shit" moment that happens at for many alum at week 4, as they move out of looking at their shadows and actually begin attuning to their soul essence

  • How Awaken Her Soul's deepest purpose is to unhook us from thinking we need to be "fixed" 

  • How the program actually facilitates divesting from hustling for wholeness

  • Madison and Jenna each speak to what they love witnessing behind the scenes in the program

  • Jenna interviews Madison with her own rapid fire questions!



Where to find more of Jenna:

Jenna Dayle’s Website

Jenna Dayle’s Instagram

Episode 37 Jenna Dayle Quote.jpg