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Get to know me.
I've lived many lives.
One as a child in an enmeshed environment. One as a competitive martial artist. One as a hip hop dancer. One as an evangelical radical speaking in tongues. One as a baptist scholar. One as a heretic. One as a seeker of healing. One as a married woman "doing it all right." One as an ambitious entrepreneur. One as a divorcee. One as a woman coming into her own fluid sexuality. Always asking questions. Always shedding. Alchemizing. Taking notes and sharing them with fellow travelers seeking home.
I'm killer at helping people see themselves clearly.
I have a keen ability to embody the both/and and let healing feel both deep and buoyant at the same time. I think we came here to be fully human and I'm so down to enjoy my time here with less dogma and more grace.
I’m a lover of all things creative, expansive, spiritual, strategic, imaginative, and forward moving.
Although I’m a naturally upbeat and energetic person, I spent 17+ years looking for answers; taking time to dive deep into my own healing and education. I spent years in therapy, in church pews, with podcasts in my ears, investing in coaching, getting a degree in interpersonal communication and psychology, taking in and sifting through many healing paths learning to thrive and understand my own traumatic and dysfunctional history.
Though my insatiable curiosity, what some might call a radical hunger for life, I learned to sit with the depths of life without getting jaded and believe that no-matter the programming of the past, there is always hope to rewrite the script, embody your fullness and create a life on your own terms.
Basically, because of the darkness I’ve seen and the joy I’ve been able to alchemize in my own story, I do not fear my full humanity, or yours.
Keepin’ it real —
— Ariana Grande was my most listened to artist of the last decade.
— I am proudly queer and came out at 27.
— I started life-coaching at 23.
—I’m synesthetic and neurodivergent. What once was described as being “an intense, bright and difficult child” has evolved into an intuitive ability with pattern recognition and creative thinking. After much grief in a late in life diagnosis, Autism has become one of my greatest strengths as a depth coach.
— I’m a Virgo sun, Pisces moon and Libra rising and am a 4/1 generator in human design.
— I’m an avid moon-circler and have taken to aligning my life and work with natural cycles.
— I’m on an active journey to dismantle how I’ve internalized systems of oppression and although it informs the work I do, I’m most definitely still learning.
— I was the recipient of BYCA’s International Coach Of The Year in 2017, a real dream come true.
— I believe comedy and pop music are more spiritual than church, and on any given day you’ll find me practicing my prayer language of both laughter and dance (see my movement playlist below… thank me later).