Free Training | Video 1

Discover Where You Begin | 3 Steps to Healthy Boundaries

Key takeaways:

1. Know what you stand for by getting clear on what you value. (Boundaries are about protecting the good!)

⇨  TIP: My 3-2-1 formula for a week on your terms: Write down the 3 words that describe how you want to feel this week. What 2 actions can you take to move towards these feelings? What’s the 1 thing that has to go that’s keeping you from feeling the way you want to feel?

2. Get in tune with how you really feel.

⇨  TIP: keep a journal and allow yourself to be honest. Just pour out your heart. How do you really feel? No need to be kind, polite, or make anyone happy.

3. Understand the motives behind your people-pleasing.

⇨  TIP: When someone asks you to commit, to contribute, or asks for your energies, practice saying, “I’ll have to get back to you.” Use this time to ask yourself if you’re saying yes out of obligation, expectation, and people pleasing, or if it aligns to your values.