

Boundaries for femmes, women and non-binary folks who want to divest from “good girl” programming, stop people-pleasing, build thriving relationships and live on their own terms.


I get it. You want a life of freedom, confidence and soul-alignment.

And yet, you still find yourself obligated to “should.”  Over-giving, undervaluing yourself, and stuck giving your energy to what others think far too often. Even though you’re powerful, strong and independent, you’re still:

  • Downplaying your personality in fear of being “too much.”

  • Tired from all your doing, striving and achieving.

  • Feeling scattered and overwhelmed by all the to-do’s and expectations.

  • Playing small and refusing to own your shine. (Making sure everyone else feels comfortable, at your own expense).

  • Letting others determine what you do with your time and energy.

  • Feel paralyzed at the thought of those “tough convos;” communicating your vulnerable needs, desires and boundaries to friends.

  • Are hiding your truth from those you love most, in fear of letting them down or rejection.

  • Your emotions are beholden to the whims of others’ comments, feelings and actions.

  • Convinced if you were just better, more, or could please others, you’d be happy and at peace.

  • Expend all your energy hanging onto the expectations of those who didn’t have your highest in mind.

  • Hang onto those who don’t want you to thrive because you’re afraid. Afraid you’ll be alone. Afraid to speak your truth. Afraid if you set boundaries you’ll be considered “selfish,” or even a “bitch.”

  • Don’t have the right support in your life to set effective boundaries, so every time you try, they don’t stick.



The good news, although boundaries take time and skill, they can be learned and you can take your life, happiness and peace into your own hands.



This means, when you learn the basics of boundaries, you can have:

  • More Peace - no more guilt! You’ll have the ability to turn off mental noise of what others are thinking and stay in your own lane.

  • More Power - Be able to stand in your truth with power, no matter what others say or do.

  • More Confidence - Confidence to take up more space - be more honest, feel free in your own life.

  • Healthier Relationships - Leave the relationships that don’t serve you, and shift the ones that need a “boundaries boost.”

  • Better Health - No more striving to meet expectations or “hustle” at the cost of your own physical wellbeing.

  • More Freedom - To be yourself and that you can naturally attract the right people, and stop trying to be something you’re not.

  • More Presence - Show up fully in your highest self by learning to create win-win situations in your relationships, no longer reacting in anger or hurt when others push back at your boundaries.

  • More Fun - You’ll have capacity for more values-aligned goodness. (This is your life, on your terms).

  • More Space - You won’t be rushing from one holiday party to the next, rushing to answer emails or have a full calendar. Your priorities will be clear and your life will have more white space.

  • More Effective Communication - Instead of hoping for your needs to be met, you’ll have the skills to speak your truth with efficacy and integrity.

  • More Clarity - Cuz when you cut out all the noise and “should’s,” you’ll finally hear your Soul speak.

  • More Pleasure - When you stop pleasing everyone else, you can finally tune in and meet your own desires.

And less of everything that keeps you from your joy!


The Where I Begin eCourse was made specifically for dreamers, visionaries and leaders who love to love, and who want to feel their best while changing the world.

You can stop people-pleasing, have thriving relationships, and finally live life on your own terms!

These are boundaries for you to live free of expectations so you can be the human you were meant to be.

If you ever feel drained and exhausted, tired from keeping up with the expectations, like no one sees your needs, frustrated the people in your life won't change, and really want to discover what it feels like to live fully alive, Where I Begin is perfect for you. 

You will learn a new outlook on boundaries where love and peace take the lead. You’ll become more self-aware, be able to spot your weak boundaries, and align them to your highest self. You’ll learn effective communication skills, a step by step guide for setting boundaries (even with difficult people), and reclaim relationships that support your vision, dreams and values.


What’s inside —

  • 4 Training Modules that allow you to learn the tools to live on your own terms.

  • The Where I Begin Companion Guide PDF (34 pages) - to dive deep, address the root of your patterns keeping you stuck, and implement the skills to set you free from people-pleasing. 

  • Values List PDF - Say YES to what matters most, and no to anything not aligned to your unique core values.

  • Kind and Clear Communication Guide PDF - Learn a framework to effectively communicate your needs, desires and boundaries with love, confidence and grace.

  • Lifetime access to the program while offering structure the first month, giving you the accountability you need to get the full benefit of the program. 

  • BONUS PDF Worksheets + Wallpaper Downloads to remind you to live into your power and continue on this journey even after the program ends.4 Training Modules

  • 4 BONUS Heart-to-Heart Sessions with Industry Experts - allowing you perspective on boundaries with social media, healthy self-worth, dealing with “toxic” family and navigating challenging conversations with friends.

  • One 60-minute BONUS video masterclass on Energetic Boundaries and Leadership.



'Where I Begin' stripped away all of the lies that I had been telling myself about my role within relationships and equipped me to set boundaries with the confidence I'd been craving. I no longer have to feel guilty for saying 'no'. I can unapologetically decide for myself what is and is not ok with me and I can offer up more love and compassion for others by doing so.

This program made me realize that boundaries come from the heart and it's up to each of us to set our own rules if we want healthy, thriving relationships. My favorite thing was how Madison so clearly communicated that boundaries allow us to love BETTER, it’s about more love, not less!”

— Noel


 You were not brought here to play small, hide your magic, or become someone else’s idea of perfect.


Babe, this is for you if —

You want relationships where you can be fully yourself.

You’re feeling overwhelmed with ongoing Covid news, family holiday expectations, the election cycle and conversations around social justice with people who hold difference.

You often say, "yes" in kindness, but really want to say, "NO."

You hold back your truth because the people around you don't "get it."

You want to let go of the guilt and people-pleasing.

You feel like you have to "do and fix it all."

You have a lot to give the world, but are held back by what others think.

You’re dreading even talking about the holidays because of the pressure and guilt.

You’re so sick of being on social media… but can’t seem to put it down.



Immediate + Lifetime access

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This eCourse is now only available inside my membership. Click through to learn more!


“This program was life-changing! As a mother of a new baby and a full-time nurse, it’s difficult to put myself first. Knowing now that I can say “no” and take time for myself and make sure that I am taken care of was really freeing. It also gave me a lot of freedom to remember that I cannot control others reactions but I can control how I respond to their reactions and live in integrity within myself. I have spent far too long trying to make everyone happy! I walked away from the material feeling very loved and challenged to think in a new way. I’ve already told everyone I know about it! ”

— Mallory H


Take it from Dr. Brene Brown —

“Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They’re compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.”


Jam-Packed with Value

This program is more than just my communication, mediation and psych degree turned into an online course. It’s years in the making.

Where I Begin includes knowledge I've gained in my professional education as a coach and communication expert, as well as the skills, tools, and personal growth I've invested in 6 years of intentionally seeing my own healing from narcissistic abuse and codependency. I’ve worked with counselors, coaches, energetic healers, took online programs, and educated myself through reading countless books so I could confidently live in my power and reclaim my life.   

I have taken everything I learned in my formal education as well as the education of life and sifted it into a streamlined e-course for you to learn the foundations of boundaries in 4 modules!

Overflowing with heart, love, and step-by-step education, this program gives you hours of mentorship, radical mindset shifts, and tools to last a lifetime.



The Magic You'll Experience

You will finally speak your truth without fear, build thriving relationships, and live on your own terms.     

  • Unlimited, lifetime + immediate access to all 4 modules and 5 bonus videos.

  • A simple, streamlined, password protected platform so you can log in and track your progress with ease.

  • 50+ pages of downloads, follow-along guides, and tools for you can come back to time and time again. The lessons you learn in this program you get to keep forever.

  • The ability to work at your own pace with gentle nudges of accountability with weekly emails.

  • Hands-on learning for every learning style with video, audio and PDF downloads!

  • If you choose to take Awaken Her Soul Standard or Awaken Her Soul Accelerator (my signature program) in the future, you’ll receive a complete refund, as this program comes as a bonus for AHS Standard + Accelerator!



(the juicy details)




Reframe your beliefs about boundaries being “hard” or “mean.” Instead, you’ll learn how loving boundaries are imperative in living a life of ease and purpose! In this module we will redefine boundaries, identify areas you need a boundary-boost, get clear on what life with healthy boundaries looks like, and take a stand for love.




Aka, learn to own your space and take radical responsibility. You’ll learn your role in thriving, boundaried relationships. In this module I will teach you how to protect the good and honor your values. We will talk about radical life responsibility, identify the deeper beliefs around people-pleasing, discuss boundaries with yourself and get clear on your rights.


Module 3 :


Setting effective boundaries to allow the real you to shine. In this module you'll learn about boundary patterns, the different kinds of boundaries, how to set them using the Effective Boundary Framework, how to say, "no," and what to do when people respond poorly.


module 4:


In this module I share my tools on discovering safe people and creating a supportive sisterhood. We will discuss developing your discernment and why it's so dang important, you'll get tips on living with clean, full energy, communicating your needs with love, and how to live out your boundaries in everyday life to finally live on your own terms and do it with love.



Immediate + Lifetime access


This eCourse is now available only in the Sanctuary Membership. Learn more:


Bonus Heart-To-Heart Sessions

In addition to the 4 modules of training, you will gain access to four BONUS heart-to-heart sessions with industry experts. These women were hand picked to be a part of this program because of their wisdom and the profound impact they will have on your life + relationships (take it from me. They have changed my life).


Christine Rose Elle
Navigating a Toxic Family


Sarah Lajeunesse
Choosing Your Friends


Kate Caddle
Limits with Social Media


Mary Hyatt
Self Worth Comes First


energetic boundaries workshop bonus!

Plus receive my hour-long workshop replay where I teach a small group of women about energetic boundaries, consent and leading from our deepest core.


“It was during the workshop when I truly understood that I need to set boundaries to honor my values and the people I care about. I often “sacrifice” myself, my time, my values, my work, and even the people I care about most to accommodate someone or something else. I’m coming to really grasp what it means to be responsible for my own happiness and NO ONE ELSE’S! Because of this program, I am choosing to say “no” when I would rather not do something and saying “yes” to the things I really do want to do! I am so grateful for Madison’s wisdom on discovering where you begin!”

— Celia D


Why did I create Where I Begin?


I was as sweet as sugar, spice, and everything nice.  Always striving to be beautiful, smart, helpful, a good daughter, an excellent wife, the best friend; always going above and beyond, always there to listen, care, and have it all together for everybody else. 

Until I hit a wall...

I'd been so busy trying to be someone for everyone else that I completely lost myself. 

I was carrying family issues that were not mine to carry, trying to change people I was never meant to change, living for expectations, societal approval, and trying to please people who could never be pleased. It was in my first therapy session I was introduced to the term "boundaries" and it was then I realized I didn't know where I began. I didn't know what healthy friendship looked like, I didn't know I had the right to be upset with or say "no" to someone I loved, I didn't know I could go my own way and shape my own life! 

I didn't know being me was enough. 

Discovering where I began changed everything for me. I started seeing how my people-pleasing wasn't serving me, and started living from genuine love. My "yes" became HELL YES, and my no was a kind but firm, "no thanks." I learned to have those uncomfortable conversations, decline good opportunities to make space for the right opportunities, and developed friendships and healed relationships with family I never thought I could.



Most of all though, I finally know myself and am living my life on my own terms, doing it from a place of overflowing love.

Where I Begin is a program made specifically for dreamers, for women who love to love, and who want to feel their best while changing the world. You can stop people-pleasing, have thriving relationships, and finally live life on your own terms!

These are boundaries for you to live free of expectations so you can be the woman you were meant to be.

If you ever feel drained and exhausted, tired from keeping up with the expectations, like no one sees your needs, frustrated the people in your life won't change, and really want to discover what it feels like to live fully alive, Where I Begin is perfect for you. 


“Before taking Where I Begin I didn’t know I had boundary issues! In taking it, I had a huge “aha” moment where I realized I was trusting people who were not safe. I now see that being an open-book in unsafe relationships was causing me to live in fear and hold myself back from pursuing my passions. Having that consistent confidence with what I love in life will make me unstoppable!”

— Jasmine H


join while doors are open!


This eCourse is instant and lifetime access. Join the Sanctuary to gain access:




Q - I'm busy, how much time will this require from me?

This program can be completed in less time and with more benefit than a Netflix binge on a cozy Saturday afternoon. ;) You can take the entire course in one sitting or break it up over a few sittings. My suggestion is to block off a few hours at a time over 2 weeks, that way you can digest the modules an do the coursework without overwhelm. The program content totals to 5 hours long, not including journaling and worksheet time.

Q - I have good relationships with my family, but still feel held back by expectations. Will this still help me?

Abso-freaking-lutely! Boundaries aren't just for those with "toxic" people in their life, in fact, it’s the small, everyday boundaries that allow you to really show up like a Queen! The tips and insight in this course will give you the clarity and boost you need to stop living for all the "shoulds" and "expectations." I teach a love-based solution rooted in self-trust. So no matter if you've got tricky relationships or simply want to live free of approval, this is perfect for you.

Q - I have no problem speaking my truth but the people in my life don't "get it."  Will this program help someone like me?

Where I Begin is all about living the life of love you long for, and communicating our boundaries in the most effective way possible! You'll gain insight on boundaries and the skills necessary to speak your truth in a way that is not only loving, but really works.

Q - Can men take this course?

100% yes! Although this program was designed for women, femmes, non-binary folks and those who were IFAB (because of the specific programming received to be good girls) the deeper knowledge in each module is applicable to any gender, sex, orientation, religion, and relationship.

Where I Begin is offered with no refunds as it is a digital product with immediate access.

Q - Who is this program NOT for?

Those needing immediate relief from abusive relationship or are in a crisis situation.


Stop people pleasing, have thriving relationships,and finally live life on your terms.
