Why you can't Avoid your Dark Emotions if you want to Become WHOLE

Why you can't Avoid your Dark Emotions if you want to Become WHOLE

What if the ways you feel broken, alone and unworthy are the key to your wholeness?

What if facing the darkest parts of you is the only way to actually live into the light??

I get it, this is not your typical “light and love” self-help message.

This is not a post focusing on your strengths, listing gratitudes or pretending that you’re beyond being human. Cuz’ I’ve been there, done that, and discovered each of us have a “dark side” we need to embrace if we ever want to feel truly worthy.

Hang with me. This is actually GOOD news.

(Watch full video teaching above)

For the majority of my life, I held value in how good I was. Being well-liked, making others smile, performing, producing, and keeping the appearance of having it all together. “GOOD VIBES ONLY” was my motto. I stayed away from sex and alcohol and anything I’d deemed as “sinful or unconscious.”

But the truth was, I was fragile. There was little depth to my goodness.

I always felt like an easter egg bunny that was hollow on the inside. My joy was always one warm day away from melting away and leaving me in a messy shame spiral.

As happy as I seemed, I was actually carrying the weight of years of abuse, ways I felt unlovable, and the shame of the “darker” sides of myself I thought were wrong. And as it is with so many things; what we resist persists.

What we refuse to look at keeps us from becoming an integrated WHOLE person.

There is nothing wrong with focusing on the positive, being grateful and developing healthy habits. It’s important and necessary, but it will not make you whole.

Wholeness comes from taking the descent into the depths with grace, love and acceptance.

Wholeness isn’t pretending the dark doesn’t exist, it’s gazing into it, trusting that no matter what you find, you’re worthy.

Now, I am able to see that my goodness lies in the “both, and” of my humanity.

Both the light, and the dark.

The positive, and the negative.

The fierceness, and the softness.

The hustle, and the flow.

The body, and the mind.

The sexy, and the soulful.

The pure ,and the nitty gritty.

There is goodness in all of it. 

Grace to you as you claim your goodness.



Ready to take it further?

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Call Your Energy Back.

Use this (free) 3-step journal practice and hypnotic meditation to get into a daily routine of embodying your wholeness and living with the power that comes when you belong to yourself.

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