Posts tagged True Essence
Are you willing to Go First to find freedom?

Going first has been a big theme in my life, and in the lives of many of my dear clients– be it going first to therapy, being the first to get divorced, the first to come out, the first to leave the religion of your childhood, the first to ask questions or the first to have the courage to name the truth.  Let’s be honest, going first is fucking hard. The below poem is about just that– losing your magic, but being willing to go first in finding it. 

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Your True Identity | Breaking free of Narcissistic Abuse and Reclaiming your Sovereignty

In my 20’s I found myself in a string of relationships rife with narcissism. At the time, the online space wasn’t nearly as narcissism-obsessed, so the language just wasn’t there. I didn’t know how to name or share my experience with others clearly. What I knew then was this: I didn’t trust myself…. At all. I was terrified something was wrong with me, and constantly working to “fix” myself….

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Living From Soul and Dropping Workaholism: 3 things to ask yourself so you can set yourself free

When you live out of your old patterns, you are unconsciously juggling beliefs, behaviors and stories that are not even yours, but were handed to you! (It’s all you know). But, when you zoom out and see there is another way, you realize how trapped, and stressedcrazy, the old programming made you. There is more for you in life than juggling “shoulds” and expectations.

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