Posts tagged personal growth
10 Ways to Keep it Easy this Year

If you tend to overcomplicate your health, your business, your relationships and your healing… this is for you. This is likely because you’re incredibly intelligent. Hell yea! The bummer is that intelligence doesn’t always translate to ease.  Those of us who love learning, growing and enjoy living in the deep end of life often have two things in common: 1-  a brilliant, curious mind and 2- a tendency to overcomplicate and overthink things, which leads to a flooded system and  overwhelm.  Is this you?

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My Raw Story

Three years ago I was a college senior and a newlywed. I had a picture perfect life. I was vibrant and confident and knew who I was. At least from the outside it seemed that way. If someone had peeked into my soul, what they would have really seen was fear, unworthiness, and a deep sense of shame, not for what I had done in my past, but literally for who I was.

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