Your struggle might just be your invitation


The truth is: we are all creatives.

The difference between someone who is the creative director and someone who doesn’t know they are creating their own reality? It’s simply awareness and intent. 

Which is why wholeness, awareness and becoming conscious of the stories and patterns running the show are so imperative. 

When you can see the patterns and see the stories, you’re able to work with them instead of against them.

You’ll stop trying to mask problems, avoid things and force healing/manifesting/your dream life upon yourself. 

Instead, your sight, as the creative director, will allow you to see what is and is not working from a grounded place and make conscious decisions. 

You’re the creative director of your life. 


It doesn’t always feel that way. Especially when:

  • You’ve got some unruly characters who just won’t adhere to your script

  • You’ve got big and daunting decisions to make… and no clarity whatsoever

  • Surprises (not the good kind) keep popping up in your life and set you back #lifegonnalife

  • And let’s not forget the parts of your past you’re healing and unconscious programming of insecurity & “not enough” you picked up along the way and certainly did not choose!

It’s true. Life is complicated. 

And I’m here telling you, despite it all, whose still the creator of my own reality? 

I am. 

BUT!!!  Before you shut your laptop or throw your phone, hang with me a bit, because this is not about adding one more “to-do” to your list or heaping on shame about how you’re not “fixing yourself” fast enough. 

(Cuz just for the record, you’re doing great. Seriously). 

So… no matter what is happening in life right now, whether there’s a whole lot out of your control, relationships shifting and jobs changing, or whether you’ve been trying to control it all and just don’t have one more f*ck to give to “creating your dream life,” I want you to know: 

The frustration you’re feeling...

The boredom....

The stale, dry monotony...

The angst...

The fear of what others think and what-if’s... 

The grief for a hope lost...

The overwhelm...

Are your invitation.

Meaning: you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. 

You’re being invited to a life of more.

But you’ve got to choose it. 

You’re not required to go find God on a mountain to get your blessing. OR to conjure up gratitude when you just feel otherwise. OR to go to the gym, change your appearance, read 52 self-help books in a year to finally “know enough.” This isn’t about knowing more and we both know it. It’s about choosing more...

Choosing to awaken to the creative power already within you.


Now, I’m going to warn you… awakening to being the creator of your own reality and Queen of your life has its consequences:

  • You’ll be required to lay down trying to control what others say, do or think (True Liberation)

  • You’ll be asked to channel that creative energy and use it like magic (Embodied Power)

  • You’ll need to be honest, about what is and is not working, and willing to show up for your truth (Self-Trust)

  • You’ll have to show up, even in your imperfections (Radical Self-Confidence)

You’ll use your creative energy to show up fully in your own life, in the midst of the mess. You’ll begin to share your gifts instead of stifling them. 

You’ll no longer have to shape-shift, play small, and create elaborate mental stories; you’ll lay down the heavy burden of “should” and just start to BE. Start to create. Start to embody. Start to trust. 

It’s a party. And you’ve already been invited. 

As you begin to be your own conscious creator, consider how you’re showing up in: 


Joyful honesty is the ability to evaluate the stories that make up the script of your life with self-compassion and grace. Observing with non judgment and allowing doesn't mean you have to like what you notice, but it DOES give space for joy. 

When you’re unaware and ignoring how you really feel, it can be really disheartening to “wake up” and get honest about what isn’t working. But the truth is: naming what’s wrong is half of the solution. So become joyfully honest. See this process as more of an exploration about what isn’t working, so you can soon find out what DOES work. (Contrast precedes clarity)


Dream it up, but hold it loosely.  Write out your ideal day from start to finish. What stories are you believing about yourself? About life? What habits are different? What kind of interactions do you have?  

Remember, a dream is not a step-by-step plan, nor is it meant to be used to shame you.  It’s a vision, not a map. A guide, not a perfect path. A masterpiece you are creating, not a paint by numbers.  


Do something in the direction of your dream life… and let go of perfection, all-or-nothing thinking. Creative action is messy, risk-taking and it’s not to be taken too seriously. When we map out the perfect “how” of our life, we will be met with setback after setback. (That’s why the third 3 is not “Control.”)  

Being a conscious creator means letting go of making it all happen RIGHT NOW and instead being willing to show up for the process, making a deliberate mess with your life!

What one thing would you do differently if your story changed to conscious-creator?

Remember, you’ve already been invited. All you have to do is show up.



For you…

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Call Your Energy Back.

Use this (free) 3-step journal practice and hypnotic meditation to get into a daily routine of embodying your wholeness and living with the power that comes when you belong to yourself.

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