A Note on Calling Your Energy Back: stop wasting your energy trying to understand evil
Sacred heart, it’s time to let go of trying to understand, explain, wrap your head around and guard against that which has caused you so much grief, pain and heartache.
There comes a time (and now is as good as any) where the best choice is to turn your gaze towards love–
Towards what you want, towards goodness, towards what lives more life. To stop wasting our life force on that which destroys, diminishes and steals your light. To instead offer your attention to something generative and good.
Where you face forward with soft eyes, shoulders back and a pure heart.
This is what it means to have healthy inner boundaries. To become the Guardian of Goodness.
If you have spent any amount of time fixating on the wrongs of others, on what makes abusers tick, or on the why of evil and still haven’t found wholeness…
Would you try something new with me?
Try giving yourself over to awe, wonder and beauty.
Try filling your life up with what delights you.
Try celebrating that you can’t wrap your head around injustice and unkindness.
Try being the center of your own reality and feeding your own life force.
This is one of the central pillars of my work, and it’s a major focus inside the Sacred Heart Coven– because when we orient towards LIFE and protect our hearts from the harms of others we get to be the creatives, leaders, visionaries, partners, parents we actually desire to be.
If you’re interested, learn more here.
Painting: Hilma Af Klint
I turn my gaze outward
Towards life.
Expanding my field
Wider and wider.
What I see is true.
What I know
And don’t know
And can’t know
Is it’s own wisdom.
I am unconcerned
With getting to the bottom
Of understanding
Those who have harmed me.
I am unconcerned
With getting to the bottom
Of understanding
My deficiencies.
The bottom is an endless void.
There is no life there, in
Self destructing in
Seeking to understand.
Trying to protect
Has only gotten me so far.
It’s time to gaze forward.
Leave the violence
To save itself.
It’s not my job to lend a helping hand
To the one who draws blood
My energy is precious.
I don’t waste it
On the Why and How of
That you can’t conceive.
This shame is their disgust.
I give it back now
It is not mine to soothe.
My attention is on what I love.
Understanding the
Unthinkable is a waste of my
Life force.
I don’t understand.
I will not understand.
I don’t want to understand.
I want to live,
Face forward.
Eyes soft.
Shoulders back.
Heart pure.
Dropped into my pelvis.
Drenched in love.
It is this innocence that will unlock
The knowing I actually seek.
If you want a short practice on this, I did an equinox meditation on Instagram all about planting the seeds of our desires and filling them with light right here. Listen in!
As my grandmother Rose would say, Talk at ya later!