Posts tagged safe people
Learn to set boundaries and Lay down what's not yours to carry

The burden of other people’s dramas and opinions are not yours. Meeting other people’s needs may just have to come second to meeting your own. People-pleasing, taming your shine, and hiding your opinions only holds you down. Let go of people-pleasing. Let go of the need to put others first. Let go of the fear of being seen as selfish or demanding.

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3 People-Pleasing Myths that Keep you Stuck

Over the past 4 years, I’ve learned to live my life from a place of authenticity, integrity, and loving boundaries. If you’d meet me, you might say I have a powerful presence, am chatty, and passionate about living a life aligned with my values… but that wasn’t always the case.

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5 ways to know if you're a safe person

With a history of gossip, betrayal, and codependency in friendship, becoming a safe person has been a journey. I’ve discussed before how I have been a bad picker, but I’ve also not been very safe. Becoming safe is work.  Lots of trial and error and forgiveness. Through reading books, blogs, and talking with my counselor on the subject, I have come up with 5 ways to know whether I am a safe person or not.

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