Posts tagged friendship
WEAVING A WEB OF SUPPORT PART 2: The Foundations: Values, Desires, Boundaries, and Competencies

In part 2, my my aim is to walk you through how to cultivate the foundations of weaving a web of support, including what we need to un-learn, skills and competencies we need to gain, relational standards we can choose to uphold, the definition of sovereignty as it relates to support and identifying your values and moving from your desires.

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WEAVING A WEB OF SUPPORT PART 3: How to Hire Support & How to Lean into the Support Already Available to you.

In part 3, I’ll be sharing about how to identify where you need support, when to invest in professional support such as a coach, therapist or guide, what to look for in you local and online communities and what it really takes to build depth relationships.

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