Posts tagged self care
Unmasking your Authentic Self

A mask is nothing more than a persona, or a way of being in the world that hides what’s underneath. In this case, what's underneath is our tender, luminous, expansive authentic self. There are many reasons we become disconnected from our Authentic Self, or our true identity and some key ways we can begin to take it off.

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How I Satisfied My Need for Approval | 10 Simple Affirmations to Find Self Acceptance

Self love. Self approval. They are possibly the the biggest trends in personal wellness right now. When I was first introduced to the idea of self love, I wanted to reject it. It felt prideful and self indulgent. I thought (in hindsight), that I was better and tougher than needing to love myself.

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Learn to Thrive in a Season of Change

It is the first day of Fall, and like any season change, fall is met with fresh changes that can be both beautiful and tricky to work into your life. Welcoming the change of a season is easy when the newness is on the horizon, but how do we adapt when life starts changing rapidly like the cool fall air? If you can't tell, I am not just talking about the weather, but seasons of change in our lives.

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